Smart Home

What are the requirements for using Apple HomeKit and Siri?

Apple HomeKit requires a HomeKit-enabled Sensi thermostat, with a common/”C” wire installed, and iOS 10* or later installed on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch for the Home app.

To control your accessories remotely (away from your home) via the Home app and Siri, you’ll need an Apple TV (3rd generation) with tvOS 9.0 or later.

To set up automations and user permissions, you’ll need an Apple TV (4th generation) with tvOS 10 or an iPad with iOS 10 or later.

Read more about controlling your HomeKit-enabled devices away from your home on Apple’s website. Here you will find helpful information on set up, automations, allowing access, and troubleshooting.

*If you want to use the Sensi thermostat with the Sensi app, please refer to our Sensi app requirements article for iOS.

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